Pair Goals & Intentions for A Happier, Healthier You in 2024

Pair Goals & Intentions for A Happier, Healthier You in 2024

As we start the new year, let’s not just think about resolutions as a list. Identifying both goals and intentions will make for a happier and healthier you.

Goals are specific targets, such as finishing a fitness challenge or learning something new. They give you a plan and a good feeling when you achieve them.Healthier and Happier you in 2024 graphic

Intentions are more about how you want to live your life. It’s like deciding to be positive, enjoy each day, or take care of yourself.

Paired, they give you the why and the how for living a more intentional life.

What to Think About for 2024

Goals: Think about what you want to achieve, like getting healthier, doing well at work, or spending more time with loved ones. Make sure your goals are doable and break them into smaller steps.

Intentions: Consider how you want to approach the year. Maybe focus on staying cheerful, being present in daily activities, or finding balance in your life.

For someone dealing with cancer, goals might be about finishing treatment, managing symptoms or learning about their cancer. Intentions could include prioritizing self-care and doing things that make them happy.

In cancer support, things like Bag It Cancer can help. The Bag It Cancer Bag gives tools and information for goals, and it also shows support and helps with feelings—a bit like a friendly companion.

Balancing goals and intentions is like having a plan and a positive mindset, making life better overall. It’s a great way to start the new year with a focus on feeling good and growing.

Resource To Help You Get Started

Read this article on self-awareness and setting intentions from Psychology Today.

Here’s To A More Nurturing New Year!

Here’s To A More Nurturing New Year!

As 2023 draws to a close, let’s pause to reflect on our individual journeys. Recognizing our personal challenges and successes is a crucial step towards nurturing our mental well-being.

The Value of Reflection

Taking a moment to think allows us to acknowledge our growth, fostering a sense of achievement and strength within ourselves.

Caring for Mental Health

The holiday season can be tricky, reflection serves as a powerful self-care tool, promoting mental wellness by validating our emotions.

Pause. Reflect, Act graphic

Looking Ahead

Consider setting intentions for the coming year, focusing on your emotional well-being and identifying ways to support yourself.

Practical Steps

Journaling: Reflect on daily experiences.
Mindfulness: Practice techniques for calmness.
Gratitude: List three things you’re grateful for each day.
Community Connection: Share your reflections with others for mutual support and encouragement.

A Season of Reflection

As we get ready for a new year, let’s find strength in our personal experiences and look towards a hopeful tomorrow.

Resources to ease your next steps.seasonal greens


Wishing you a season of reflection, peace, and personal growth.

9 Tips To Understand Information At Your Medical Appointments

9 Tips To Understand Information At Your Medical Appointments

You’ve likely experienced a fast-paced doctor’s appointment where lots of new and unfamiliar information came at you that was hard to grasp, especially when you were not feeling well. Health information can be complicated and confusing—even for the most highly educated people with advanced literacy skills.Bubble with Text: what tests and drugs are you prescribing?

Although many doctors are well-practiced at translating medical jargon (referred to as “doctor speak”) into understandable language for their patients, others may not be as skilled. If you and your healthcare provider come from different backgrounds or cultures, it can also make communication more challenging.

Misunderstandings in medical settings or not having important knowledge about your health and care can lead to bad health outcomes. You might miss out on:

  •     Understanding your diagnosis and treatment options to make informed decisions
  •     Knowing what symptoms and side effects to expect and how to manage them
  •     Taking the right medications in the correct way and at the right times
  •     Following instructions for home care and follow up care
Taking Control of Your Medical Appointments

Here’s how to be a better self-advocate for your wellbeing by taking an active role during your medical appointments:

  1. Write down your questions at home and bring them with you to your appointment.
  2. If you can’t understand information you are given or forms you are asked to complete or sign, don’t be embarrassed to say something to your healthcare provider. Ask questions or have them repeat or rephrase the information using basic words. Making a drawing, a diagram or another type of visual explanation could also be a helpful tool.
  3. In your own words (paraphrase), repeat back what you heard so the provider can confirm that you understood the information fully and accurately, or explain it further if and patient talking
  4. If someone is talking too fast or you can’t hear them well, ask them to speak more slowly or more loudly.
  5. Ask for a qualified medical interpreter in advance if your doctor is not fluent in the language you are most comfortable using. There are laws requiring most medical facilities to provide this service at no cost to patients.
  6. Take notes or record the visit (with the doctor’s permission) so you can listen to it again at home.
  7.  Ask for printed information about the medications, test or procedures, treatments and illness or disease (and in your preferred language) being discussed with you. If not is readily available, ask for a reliable resource where you can find the information online.
  8. Bring someone with you to your appointments as another set of ears, to take notes, or to help with questions.
  9. Always share your concerns or worries with your provider so you can work together to find a solution.
Additional Resources for You or Your Loved One
How Would You Rate Your Healthcare Literacy Skills?

How Would You Rate Your Healthcare Literacy Skills?

Photo of Bag It Bag contents 2022October is Health Literacy Month. A study by Health & Human Services Office of the Surgeon General showed that only about 12% of Americans have proficient health literacy skills. Unfortunately, many adults lack good knowledge about their medical condition and treatment, and don’t know how to get information that is presented in a way they can understand. People report having difficulty completing medical forms and relaying important details to their doctor about their health. They may not be able to accurately read directions to take their medicines as prescribed. Each of these common situations can be linked to poor health outcomes.

Bag It Cancer is committed to expanding health literacy for all populations. Our Bag It Bag is all about making sure that anyone with cancer can find, understand and use reliable information to make decisions about their health and guide them through a complex cancer care system.

For nearly 20 years we have worked with healthcare providers who make it a practice to give Bag It Bags to their patients at diagnosis. Having a bag of printed, clear, easy to understand materials from trustworthy cancer organizations, with customizable tools to make it their own, helps people get involved in their care and feel a bit more in control.


Let’s Start with The Basics in The Bag

  • My Healthcare Team. Knowing who is on your healthcare team and what their role is points you in the right direction for your questions or other assistance.
  • Cancer Words. There’s a short list of definitions for common cancer words, including cancer treatments, that you may not be familiar with but need to know.
  • Lists of Questions to Ask. Asking the right questions at the right time helps you to get the info you need about your care and other areas of your life affected by a cancer diagnosis.
  • Making Treatment Decisions. The bag walks you through what to consider as you make decisions about your treatment and care, including sources for more information about your cancer type and life situations.
  • There’s a Lot to Keep Track of…medical records, appointments, business cards, questions and notes for the doctor, and lots and lots of paperwork. My Companion Guidebook has places for everything plus checklists to simplify the steps.
  • Easy Tips and Hacks to Use Like these:
    • If you’re not sure you understand what is being said to you by your healthcare team, ask for it to be explained again in everyday language (and in your preferred language). Then repeat the information back to the person to make sure you got it right.
    • Bring someone to your appointments to listen and write down the information, or ask permission to record the visit. This will help to ensure accuracy and saves you from trying to remember everything that is said to you. Another idea is to ask for the information to be given to you in writing (and in your preferred language) so you can read it again at home.