Survivorship: A Personal Story

Survivorship: A Personal Story

In honor of National Cancer Survivors Day on Sunday, June 2nd, Bag It’s own Mikey Shock has shared her personal journey of coming to terms with being a cancer survivor.

Cancer Survivor… Survivorship… They are words that usually make one think of someone who has won the battle with cancer and is in remission. But there is so much more to survivorship than we think. Survivorship begins at the time of diagnosis and continues for the rest of your life, beyond treatment. It refers to the navigation and experience of a cancer diagnosis.

For the longest time during treatment, I felt like I couldn’t use the word survivor because I had not yet beat cancer; I wasn’t in remission yet. But, others told me that I was a cancer survivor. There was so much inner turmoil because how could I have cancer? I honestly thought it was REALLY funny that I had such a diagnosis. I grew up asking my Mom if I would get the cancer she had when I was two, and she would always tell me no because it isn’t genetic. Well… it’s funny because I got the same diagnosis in the same location, and during the same time of year, 19 years later.

Surviving and Thriving CancerCancer was one of the best and worst things that ever happened to me. I am so glad and grateful I had cancer. I learned so much about who I was and what I could do. Even though I know my diagnosis doesn’t define me, I now find myself constantly motivating myself by saying “I beat cancer, this is nothing!” Knowing that there is a possibility you could die because you have a deadly diagnosis changes your perspective on life and the world around you. You see things you never noticed before, you appreciate the world around you and the fresh air in your lungs (especially after you experienced a collapsed lung). My diagnosis changed me for the better.

After months of coughing until I threw up and having my symptoms ignored by my doctor, I finally received a chest x-ray that showed my right lung collapsing and filling with fluid. Further scans at the ER revealed a massive tumor causing this destruction. After a hospital stay, lots of tests, and a month later I found out that it was Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. It was surreal because I grew up with my Mom sharing her experiences battling this diagnosis. I hear the horror she experienced because technology had not yet evolved to what it is today. I underwent 16 chemo treatments for ABVD and 15 rounds of radiation.

It wasn’t until after I was considered in remission that I started to truly process my survivorship. During treatment, I was in survival mode and wasn’t able to consider my feelings and emotions toward it, I had to get through it.

Ultimately what helped me process my survivorship was Bag It Cancer! I had read all of the materials in the binder during treatment, though I wasn’t able to process everything I was reading, I appreciated knowing I had a resource I could go to whenever I needed it. After I started working for Bag It, I began to see what a helpful resource the Bag It Bag could be. I started to attend events on behalf of Bag It where we would have an advocate table. One of my first events was a Survivorship event. I heard stories, participated in small groups, and had several discussions with oncologists and cancer survivors. This is when I started to truly process what I had just gone through!

After my treatments had ended, I became very depressed and I wasn’t sure why. I was honestly sad that I wasn’t in treatment anymore. I can’t explain it. It wasn’t survivor’s guilt, but a sadness that I had finished that journey. It also didn’t help that the cards, constant texts, and support were starting to dwindle because I was “fine” at that point. I just felt lost.

Honestly, coping with the experience of survivorship after treatment was way harder than during treatment. Again, I can’t tell you why, but I think it’s because I wasn’t in survival mode. I was finally given the time and energy to process this traumatic experience.

I also felt (and still sometimes feel) completely invalidated. I feel that when my body hurts, or when I am so tired that I can’t function, or that I get confused and foggy it’s not a valid excuse anymore because I’m not in treatment. Even a year after treatment ended, I still feel these symptoms at full force and feel like I am expected to be at my full capacity even though I can’t. For some, these long-term symptoms last months, years or even for the rest of your life after chemo.

Survivorship to me means that I am someone who has battled and beat cancer, but also continuing the battle for the rest of my life. I was poisoned with some nasty stuff, and I came out stronger. I am proud of my journey. I am a cancer survivor, and each moment is my gift. Stay strong!

Celebrating The Women Behind The Cancer Survivorship Movement

Celebrating The Women Behind The Cancer Survivorship Movement

Women In History Month

Susan Leigh photo

Susan Leigh

Ellen Stovall photo

Ellen Stovall

It’s only appropriate this month for Bag It Cancer to reflect on women impacting the area of cancer survivorship. For years, cancer survivorship on a grand scale was only a hope and dream. It took pioneers like Ellen Stovall and Susan Leigh in the 1980s to take the ever-increasing numbers of survivor statistics and bring them to the attention of our national leaders and the medical community through the launching of the National Coalition of Cancer Survivorship (NCCS). NCCS was the impetus behind establishing working definitions, rising national attention, and affecting legislation to change laws and funding to support this growing population. Without their passion, courage, and tenacity, the Survivorship Movement would not have developed and gained the influence it did.

As a cancer survivor in 2000, Susan Leigh and I began a friendship and relationship in Tucson, Arizona that continues to this day. It was with her urging, along with others, that helped me create the concept for Bag It–a much needed resource to help the ever-increasing numbers of survivors. The goal was to encourage cancer patients to give themselves a voice in their care. Susan’s mentoring allowed me a greater understanding of the survivorship issues on a national as well as on a local and regional scale.

There are women like Dr. Patricia Ganz who began researching Quality of Life (QOL) issues and concerns of survivors that had been long-ignored.  In a phone call with me, she approved Bag It’s inclusion of her QOL checklist to our cancer treatment summary and care plan. This allowed us to expand the scope of the then American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) template to include QOL concerns, as well as late- and long-term effects of cancer treatment.


Sherri Romanoski

Sherri Romanoski, Bag It Founder & Senior Advisor

It was women who encouraged me to embark on what appeared to me to be a very scary effort, a nonprofit organization. A group of women I had been hanging out with since our children were in playgroup together encouraged me to take the deep dive. My own mother, diagnosed with cancer two years before me, understood what a challenge it would be with a family and teaching career. She supported me all along the way. It was oncology nurses that helped me choose resources to include in Bag It, and just as importantly, women in cancer support groups. Many would come to my home every six weeks to help put together our binders, order National Cancer Institute (NCI) materials and help with fundraising efforts to keep it all afloat.

There would be no Bag It (and probably most nonprofit organizations) without the passionate support of women. They staff most nonprofits and make up the majority of volunteers in all types of capacities.

Women have and will continue to push the agenda of Quality Survivorship for all. Kudos to all of us that carry the torch and those that keep it lit.

Breakfast With Bag It Cancer Honors Valuable Partners

Breakfast With Bag It Cancer Honors Valuable Partners

The Breakfast with Bag It, a gathering of cancer survivors, advocates and friends, brought 135 people together.  It was wonderful to see guests from past events as well as many new faces.  Thank you to everyone for supporting this important event.

Our keynote speaker, Dr. Jennifer Hatcher, PhD, MPH, MSN, Associate Director, Community Outreach and Engagement Cancer Prevention and Control Program at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, kept the group engaged with insights on cancer demographics in the UA catchment area and challenges and opportunities for healthcare in Southern Arizona.  Board member, Richard White said, “Guests at my table said they were impressed with the entire event, and especially enjoyed the main presentation.”

Besides an update on new resources and accomplishments at Bag It Cancer over the past year, we announced the honorees for our Annual Recognition Awards. See below for their names and a video of them accepting their honors.

Thank you to our keynotes and all our guests!  See you next year.

Breakfast with Bag It 2022

We welcomed 135 guest at the 2022 Breakfast with Bag It

Mary Carhuff and Sherri Romanoski photo

Spirit of Philanthropy honoree, Mary Carhuff with Bag It Cancer Founder, Sherri Romanoski

Congratulations to Our Raffle Winners!

TerryMiraval Arizona 

Joan – Harry & David’s Gourmet gift Baskets for a year

AnnJim Click Cabin in the White Mountains 

Bag It Cancer’s
2022 Recognition Award Honorees

Outstanding Corporate Philanthropist

Tucson Medical Center (TMC) and TMC Foundation

Spirit of Philanthropy

Mary Carhuff

Outstanding Volunteer

Brandi Forbes

Watch Our Honorees Receive Their Awards

Thank You To Our Breakfast Sponsors

Heinfeld Meech Logo

Zuckerman Community Empowerment Fund
Arvizu Family
Tucson Glass & Mirror
Watson Chevrolet
Vantage West Credit Union
Arizona Lithographers
AZ Jet Mail

Thank You To Our Table Sponsors

Arizona Oncology  |  Dr. Donald Brooks
Lighthouse Church International Tucson
Primerica Financial Services  |  Andy Corder
Russ Lyon Sotheby’s Int’l Realty  |  Marta Harvey
The Monday Spin Team
Michelle Bonito
Ginny Kokorudz
Sherri Romanoski
Richard White

Victoria Cramer, 3-time Cancer Survivor Shares Life Hacks & Secrets to Surviving Cancer

Victoria Cramer, 3-time Cancer Survivor Shares Life Hacks & Secrets to Surviving Cancer

Victoria Cramer photo

On this episode of Your Guide Through Cancer Podcast, Executive Director, Mindy Griffin speaks with Victoria Cramer, a three-time cancer survivor and an author, motivational speaker, happiness coach, and recovering global leader in the hotel industry. They explore some of the life hacks she discovered as she was surviving cancer. Victoria is a people champion and spends much of her time greening up the human spirit and mentoring the human race on how to find happiness in spite of the epic stuff thrown at us each day. 

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