Clinical Trials

Cancer clinical trials are research studies that involve people (volunteers) that participate in tests of drugs, procedures, devices or other therapies. There are strict rules in place to ensure the safety of the people participating in the trial. The findings could result in a better way to prevent, diagnose or treat cancer, improve cancer care or a person’s quality of life during or after treatment. Each clinical trial is different in its purpose, protocol, and eligibility requirements. Discuss with your doctor if a clinical trial could potentially be of benefit to you.

American Cancer Society – general information and videos about clinical trials

Cancer Research Institute – cancer immunotherapy clinical trial finder

Clinical – government database lists publicly and privately supported clinical trials

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Massive Bio cancer clinical trials matching 

Medline Plus listing of clinical trials for various cancers

National Cancer Institute Clinical Trials – general information and how to find clinical trials


Patient Empowerment Network

The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation listing clinical trials for various cancers

Caregivers & Family Resources

Some of these organizations provide direct support services, educational materials, practical tips and how-to’s for caring for someone with cancer.
Others provide programs and resources specifically to ensure the health and well-being of care partners and loved ones, including support groups and professional one-on-one counseling.

Adventure Therapy Foundation – emotional restoration for families impacted by cancer

Bright Spot Networksupport group, financial support and programs for kids of a cancer patient

CancerCare – caregiver education and online support groups (general and cancer specific) – an online toolkit to help people manage finances after a cancer diagnosis.

Camp Kesem – supports children through and beyond their parent’s cancer with fun year-round activities, events and a free weeklong summer camp

Caregiver Action Network – education, peer support, and resources to family caregivers across the country free of charge, a caregiver help desk

Caring Bridge – communications platform that allows a family to provide health updates to their entire chosen personal community at one time….and receive supportive comments back in one place. Through the Planner, CaringBridge families can also digitally coordinate helpful tasks like meals, errands and even schedule Zoom calls

College Consultants Care – provides FREE college application assistance and financial aid planning to students diagnosed with cancer or have a parent diagnosed with cancer

EduMed – The Caregiver’s Handbook: An Online Resource for Caring for a Loved One

Family Caregiver Alliance caregiver education, online support groups

Help for Cancer Caregivers – personal caregiver guide

Jack’s Caregiver Coalition – improving the way guys think, feel, and act through every phase of their caregiving journey

Lotsa Helping Hands – organize meals and help for someone in need


Leukemia & Lymphoma Societyfree nutrition education and consultations for all cancer types

Take Them A Meal online meal coordination tool

The Legal & Financial Navigation Programoffers one-on-one help with issues such as work, health and disability insurance, finances, and estate planning. 

Today’s Caregiver Magazine

Triage Cancer®️ is a national, nonprofit organization that provides free education on legal and practical issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers, through events, materials, and resources. 


National Cancer Institute Publications (download PDFs, ebooks, or Kindle version)

Coping with Advanced Cancer information about dealing with transitions in care, communication with others, and end of life issues.

Facing Forward When Someone you Love Has Completed Cancer Treatmentsupport for Caregivers

Patient Power’s Care Partner Center– supporting care partners and other loved ones through education and advocacy

When Someone You Love Has Advanced Cancer – support for Caregivers

When Someone You Love Is Being Treated for Cancer support for Caregiver

When Your Parent Has CancerA Guide for Teens

See Parenting & Fertility for more family resources.

Drugs & Side Effects

Information about possible side effects during and after cancer treatment and ways to manage them with the help of your healthcare team.

American Cancer Societymanaging physical cancer-related side effects

American Cancer Societymanaging long-term cancer-related side effects

American Cancer Societyinformation about palliative care to manage side effects

American Cancer Societytypes of complementary therapies that may relieve symptoms and side effects

American Cancer Societylate- and long-term side effects of cancer treatment

CancerCarebooklets and podcasts on coping with side effects from cancer treatment

Cancer Support Community – booklets on side effects for specific cancer types

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — Side effects of treatment

Consumer Med Safety – medication safety tips

Cook for Your Life – healthy cooking for those touched by cancer

Coping with Side Effects Booklet

eBeautyprovides wigs

Look Good, Feel Betterteach beauty techniques to help manage appearance-related side effects of treatment

Medline Safetytrusted health information

National Cancer Institute side effects of cancer treatment

National Cancer Institute – late side effects of cancer treatment and how to manage them

National Cancer Institute Eating Hints – before, during, and after cancer treatment (download PDF, ePub, Kindle formats)

National Cancer Institute Chemotherapy and Youdiscusses side effects from chemotherapy (download PDF, ePub, Kindle formats)

National Cancer Institute Radiation Therapy and Youside effects from radiation therapy (download PDF, ePub, Kindle formats)

National Cancer Institute Pain Control – support for people with cancer

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health – definitions and research about complementary and integrative health methods

National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) – immunotherapy side effects

National Lymphedema Networkinformation on prevention and management of lymphedema

OncoLink  –  help patients deal with the side effects of cancer treatment such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, infection, and pain

Leukemia & Lymphoma Societyfree nutrition education and consultations for all cancer types

Patient Resource – Managing Cancer Pain (download PDF)

Skin Toxicity: Side Effects of the Skin

Springboard Beyond Cancerhow to manage side effects

U.S. Pain Foundation


Helpful APPs

We have gathered some APPs that patients, caregivers and cancer advocates would find useful in their research for treatment options, support, and other topics.

211 Arizonahelp find resources available in Arizona, and provide connections to critical services 

CancerBuddy ™ – Social support network app for people facing cancer (patients, survivors, caregivers)

American Cancer Society ACS CARES™ (Community Access to Resources, Education, and Support) – Access personalized cancer information, speak with specialists 24/7, find reliable resources, connect with experienced volunteers, and receive in-person support at select clinics.

Ina®The Intelligent Nutrition Assistant from Savor Health®​  Tips for eating healthy and staying well-nourished throughout their treatment and beyond

Manage My Pain App

NCCN Cancer GuidelinesNational Comprehensive Cancer Network offers people with cancer and their caregivers plain-language information to talk with their clinicians about the best treatment options

Hospice Care

Here are hospice-related resources that we hope are helpful to patients, caregivers and cancer advocates.

Insurance, Managing Costs & Financial Assistance Resources

Information about health insurance and disability insurance, support in managing finances and cancer costs during and after treatment. Many organizations offer financial assistance for cancer-related expenses including medications, co-pays, basic needs and other out-of-pocket expenses.

Insurance: Health Insurance, Disability Insurance

Accessia Healtheducational, financial & legal assistance for those with chronic health conditions

CancerCare – health insurance – Cancer Finances, hosted by Triage Cancer, offers a toolkit for individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers to understanding how cancer impacts their finances and connects them to financial assistance resources

Cancer Insurance Checklist – the Cancer Insurance Checklist is designed to help you when shopping for insurance on your state’s Health Insurance Marketplace if you have cancer, a history of cancer, or are at risk for cancer

Cancer Legal Resource Center – info on maintaining employment through treatment, accessing healthcare and government benefits, taking medical leave and estate planning

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – marketplace health insurance

Insure Kids Now



National Patient Advocate Foundation provides educational resources to help patients advocate for themselves and make informed, personalized health care decisions

OncoLink  – insurance, legal and financial concerns

Patient Advocate Foundation – case management, co-pay relief, insurance guide

Social Security Disability Insurance

Triage Cancer – offers free educational resources including actionable information on topics such as health insurance, employment issues, finances, and more

Veteran’s Administration


Financial Assistance

Accessia Health – financial assistance to pay for prescriptions, medical treatments and expenses, and insurance premiums

Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation

A Helping Hand – find assistance from organizations providing financial or practical help

Bankrate – Cancer costs–Resources and help to manage housing expenses during treatment

CancerCare – ccomprehensive information about financial assistance resources

Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition

College Consultants Care – provides FREE college application assistance and financial aid planning to students diagnosed with cancer or have a parent diagnosed with cancer

Cancer Support Community– a $250 relief grant for people with cancer who are in active treatment. The financial assistance will be limited to food, transportation, housing, utilities, childcare, or other non-medical expenses

Family Reach – dedicated to eradicating the financial barriers that accompany a cancer diagnosis, a widespread issue known as Cancer-Related Financial Toxicity (CRFT)

Good Days – providing resources for life-saving and life-extending treatments

Healthwell Foundation


Financial Assistance, continued

Medicine Assistance Tool– search engine to help those with financial need get access to their prescription

My Healthcare Finances a tool to help you better understand finances related to healthcare and steps you may take to lower your costs

Nancy’s List – list of integrative therapies and financial assistance 

National Cancer Institute – listing of support organizations


Needy Meds – prescription assistance

Pan Foundation – out-of-pocket expense financial assistance

Partners in Care – financial assistance

Partnership for Prescription Assistance  – connects uninsured and underinsured patients to prescription assistance programs

Patient Advocate Foundationco-pay relief and other financial assistance

Radiology Assist

RxHope – patient assistance program for medications

The Assistance Fundfinancial assistance for breast cancer patients in active treatment

The Cerner Foundationindividual medical grants and health and wellness programming for children

The Pink Fund – financial assistance for breast cancer patients in active treatment


Managing Costs

CancerCaremanaging the costs of cancer care

Cancer Support Community – managing cancer costs, including medications

Copay Assistance – Help people with cancer overcome financial access and treatment barriers by assisting with co-payments for their prescribed treatments. Offer easy-to-access, same-day approval over the phone and online

Managing Finances From

NCI’s Managing and Tracking Costs – tools to help understand your costs, health insurance, medical bills and statements. Learn tips to manage your costs


Transportation & Lodging

Angel Flight West – flights for medical care

Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation (lodging) – financial assistance, comprehensive resources, educational information, physician referrals, and emotional support programs

Corporate Angel Networkfree air travel for treatment

Fisher House (for vets) – free housing or military and veteran families during hospital stays

Healthcare Hospitality Networklodging list near healthcare providers

Joe’s House – lodging guide for cancer patients

Mercy Medical Angels – 

Check out these organizations for topics related to work, healthcare rights, state and federal protections and benefit programs, and important legal documents to protect you and your loved ones.

Legal Rights

Cancer Legal Resource Centerinformation about legal rights regarding employment, health care, and government benefits

Cancer Legal Resource Center Patient Legal Handbookinformation about cancer-related legal issues from diagnosis through survivorship

Patient Advocate Foundation – laws and protections in healthcare and employment

The Americans with Disabilities Act – legal rights for those with disabilities such as cancer

Triage Cancer – education on practical and legal issues that may impact those with cancer and their caregivers


Advance Care Planning

American Cancer Societygeneral information about different advance health care directives

Cancer Legal Resource Center Patient Legal Handbook

Five Wishesadvance care planning program

Peaceful Presence Project – education to improve death and grief literacy; holistic and proactive planning for advanced illness care and compassionate bedside presence

Triage Center – estate planning resources for those coping with cancer and their caregivers



Cancer and Careersempowers and educates people with cancer to thrive in the workplace

Cancer Legal Resource Center Patient Legal Handbook – information about cancer-related legal issues from diagnosis through survivorship

Family Medical Leave Actentitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job- protected leave for specified family and medical reasons

Job Accommodation Network

The Americans with Disabilities Act – federal civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities such as cancer

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – enforces Federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination

Triage Center – legal and practical resources to help navigate employment & workplace issues after a cancer diagnosis

Triage Center – animated video on managing side effects at work


Parenting & Fertility

These organizations offer support for families dealing with cancer, book lists and tips about talking to children about cancer, fertility and becoming a parent after a cancer diagnosis.

Parenting and Cancer

American Cancer Society – helping children when a family member has cancer

Billy’s Place (Arizona)community, emotional support, support groups, grief, peer support

CancerCare for Kidsfree workshios, booklets, counseling, support groups for parents and children of all ages

Cancer Support Community

Children’s Treehouse Foundationbooks, videos, online activities for children of parents with cancer

Tu Nidito, No Child Grieves Alone (Arizona)professional individual support, group support, grief

Worth the Waitfinancial support for fertility treatments, adoption and surrogacy

Yale Cancer Centerparenting tips

Cancer Books

National Cancer Institute When Your Parent Has Cancer – A Guide for Teens

Susan G. Komen’s “What’s Happening to Mom” e-booklet

What Do I Tell the Kids (Cancer Support Community) – discussing cancer with children

When Someone You Love Is Being Treated For Cancer (download PDF, eReader or Kindle)talking with children of different ages

When Your Brother or Sister Has Cancer

Yale Cancer Center Book List for Families and Children – cancer treatment, grief and loss

Camps and Retreats  

Camp Kesemsupports children through and beyond their parent’s cancer with fun year-round activities, events and a free weeklong summer camp.

CancerCarelist of camps and retreats

Little Pink House of Hopepeople with breast cancer and family

Nancy’s Listlist of retreats and camps for families

Needy Medslist of camps and retreats

Project Athena Foundation – athletic adventures

Project Koru – week-long camp for cancer survivors (18-39), community, adventure, and empowerment


Wish Fulfillment 

American Cancer Societycoping and living well during cancer treatment


Family Planning & Fertility

Alliance for Fertility Preservation

Bonei Olamfunding for fertility treatment and research

chick missionfinancial support, educational programs and advocacy efforts to help woman preserve fertilty

Fertility Within Reach

Hope for Twosupport for those with cancer who are pregnant

Livestrong Fertilityunderstanding fertility risks and options with a cancer diagnosis

National Adoption Foundationfinancial support for adoptive families

Repro Tech – long-term cyrostorage and fertility preservation

Resolve: The National Infertility Association

Save My Fertility

Team Maggie for a Curefertility preservation

The OncoFertility Consortiumfertility options for cancer survivors





Supportive Care (Peer Mentors, Support Groups, Online Communities)

Supportive care helps with the psychological, physical, social, and spiritual effects of cancer, as well as practical needs. It can improve quality of life from the day of diagnosis. Many organizations offer their services at no charge for those with cancer and their caregivers and families.

Emotional Support

4th Angel Programpeer support

American Cancer Societysupport and online communities

American Cancer Society – coping and living well during cancer treatment

American Cancer Society’s Cancer Survivors Network peer support, online discussion board

CancerCare online support groups and counseling

Cancer Hope Network – one-on-one cancer support

Cancer Support Community – online discussion board, helpline

Facing Our Cancer Risk Empowered – peer support, support groups,online community for hereditary cancer

Friend for Life Cancer Support Network – one on one matched cancer support’

Health Tree Foundationsupport, education, peer connections, patient portal

Imerman Angelsone on one cancer support

OneVillagepersonal navigation and coaching platform

SHARE Cancer Supportnational helpline, educational programs, support groups, online communities, caregiver support, and survivor-patient navigation for breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers

Young Survival CoalitionPrivate Facebook group for young women with metastatic breast cancer, peer support



CaringInfogrief and loss

Yale Cancer Center Book Listhelping the family cope with grief

Palliative Care

American Cancer Societycancer pain (website and downloadable PDF)

American Cancer Societypalliative care (website and downloadable PDF)

CaringInfo – Palliative Care vs. Hospice Care

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Get Palliative Carerequest palliative care to relieve symptoms and stress and improve your quality of life.

Manage My Pain App

National Cancer Institute Pain Control: Support for People With Cancer

Palliative Care Conversations Matter

Patient Resource – Managing Cancer Pain (download PDF)

The Pain Community


Complementary and Integrative Therapies

American Cancer Society Complementary and Alternative Medicinedefinitions and use in cancer care

CancerCare Meditation app – for iPhone

Cancer Choices – your guide to healing with conventional, complementary, and self care

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Healthdefinitions and research about complementary and integrative health methods

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health-Pain Considering Complementary Approaches (eBook)

Smith Center for Healing and the Arts – healing practices that explore physical, emotional, and mental resources that lead to life-affirming changes


Cancer survivorship starts at diagnosis. These organizations offer information, tools, and programs to help with all aspects of life both during and after treatment.

Adventure Therapy Foundation – emotional restoration for families impacted by cancer

A Fresh Chapterempowers people to heal the emotional scars of cancer and reclaim their stories

A Fresh Startsupport services and projects empowering people to heal the emotional scars of cancer and reclaim their stories

American Cancer Societycoping and living well during cancer treatment

American Cancer Societypalliative care (website and downloadable PDF)

American Cancer Societyfollow up care after cancer treatment; treatment summary and survivorship care plan

American Cancer Society Hope Lodgefor temporary housing

American Cancer Society Road to Recovery (Get a Ride to Treatment)transportation assistance

ArmorUp for Lifehelp the underserved survive and thrive before, during, and after their battle with cancer

Ciitizen – helps you collect, summarize, and share your medical records digitally, free of charge

Cook for Your Lifehealthy cooking for those touched by cancer

Can Care – emotional support and cancer-related resource

Cancer Hope Networkone on one cancer support

Cancer Support Communitymultiple support options

Cancer Survivor’s Network

Cancer Today Magazine

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention

Crossroads4Hope – a network of cancer support

Cure Todaymagazine and online resource

Epic Experience Beyond Cancermultiple programs designed to empower adult cancer survivors to live beyond cancer

Healthy Lifestyle, American Institute for Cancer Research

Imerman Angelsone on one cancer support

Jasper – app that gives you an overview of your cancer care at a glance

Livestrong at the YMCA: 12-week exercise program for cancer survivors

Living Well Cancer Resource Center

Lacuna Loft – online support programs for young adult cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers

My Lifeline (part of Cancer Support Community) – tool for online connection with family and friends


 National Cancer Institute’s Facing Forward – Life After Cancer Treatment (download PDF, epub or Kindle formats)

National Coalition Cancer Survivorship

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Healthdefinitions and research about complementary and integrative health methods

NCCN Cancer GuidelinesNational Comprehensive Cancer Network offers people with cancer and their caregivers plain-language information to talk with their clinicians about the best treatment options

One Villagecreate a village, coordinate needs, share updates and receive support

Patient Empowerment Network– online resources to help patients find their voice at every step of their journey

Leukemia & Lymphoma Societyfree nutrition education and consultations for all cancer types

Prevent Cancer Foundationfamilies and children

SHARE Cancer Supportnational helpline, educational programs, support groups, online communities, caregiver support, and survivor-patient navigation for breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers 

This is Living with Cancerarticles on health & wellness, personal stories, and advocacy

Treatment Summary & Survivorship Care Plans OncoLink Survivorship Care Plan

Triage Cancer – Triage Cancer is a national, nonprofit organization that provides free education on legal and practical issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers, through events, materials, and resources. The Legal & Financial Navigation Program offers one-on-one help with issues such as work, health and disability insurance, finances, and estate planning. is an online toolkit to help people manage finances after a cancer diagnosis.

Wildfire – A one-of-a-kind magazine and writing community designed with themes related to younger survivorship: body, mental health, fertility, parenting with cancer, career, identity after diagnosis, relationships and intimacy, and more.





While Bag It took efforts to collect materials only from nationally recognized, research-based publications, Bag It has not independently researched, verified, or otherwise confirmed the accuracy of any of the information provided. The links listed are not intended to be an endorsement of any information or services and should not be construed as medical, legal, or financial advice.