Thankfully, 2020 is now behind us. There’s hope for 2021, a new year we are all welcoming.

The typical New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier, exercise more, spend less, and the like, just don’t seem to cut it this year. Consider instead some novel intentions to get through the next few months, with an eye on your dreams for post-pandemic life.

Last year was a tough year of loss for many of us. As we start 2021 and work to move forward we propose waking each day with the intention of “doing good”. Do good for yourself. Do good for your family. Do good for others.

If self-care was not on your radar last year, let’s get it on there now. Research shows that one of the best ways to boost your spirit and enhance your health is physical exercise.

Be of service (or a source of sunshine!) to others. Pick up the phone, send a note, practice random acts of kindness, or volunteer. Find a way to give back in a way that is sincere and meaningful to you. Besides improving lives and/or the planet research shows that our actions also benefit our own minds, bodies, and souls, helping to sustain us during these times.

Take time to imagine a new chapter of your life after the pandemic. What do you want it to look like? What’s important to you? How do you want to “do good” for others? Life is forever changed – did your goals?

Something fun and quite powerful to create is a vision board. This digital (there’s an app for that! iPhoneAndroid) or physical reflection (think arts & crafts collage) using photos, images, words and phrases expresses the life you want to live. Make it yours and keep your vision board in your line of sight to look at it each day. It keeps the vibes humming so your aspirations don’t get lost along the way. It also helps you actually achieve them. How are you going to “do good” this year (or month – baby steps)?

Dream Big and Do Good in 2021.