There is a wide variety of relaxation techniques* out there to try in addition to or to pair with your breathing exercises. Sample a few to find the one that is most helpful to you. Regular practice is the key to continued and more profound benefits.

These are just a few:

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation – this technique involves tightening and then relaxing muscle groups of the body as you take slow, deep breaths, usually while lying down. You can self-guide as you work your way up your body or listen to a recording that will lead you through the exercise.
  • Yoga – an ancient practice generally involving your breath and moving through different body poses which may include some meditation. There are many types and levels of yoga that can be enjoyed solo or in a group setting led by a yoga teacher. Classes of all levels can be found in your local community or online. A consistent yoga practice will yield increased benefits. Check with your doctor regarding any health conditions before beginning a new yoga practice.
  • Meditation – a mind-body practice to increase your awareness of the present moment and promote calmness and relaxation. There are many different types of meditation which focus one’s attention using the breath, mantra, words or an object. Meditation can be guided (sometimes easier when getting started) or self-directed; it can be short or longer in duration. A consistent daily practice typically becomes easier over time and is highly recommended for maximum benefit.
  • Visualization (also known as Guided Imagery) – focus your awareness on a pleasing and calming scenario that can be a place, a memory or sensory elements all of your choosing. You can use a guide or pick an environment of your own making.


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*Relaxation techniques are generally considered safe for those who are healthy. People with serious physical or mental health problems should discuss relaxation techniques with their health care providers.