Palliative and hospice care provide similar, but different services for patients and their families that focus on a holistic approach and their quality of life.

Palliative care is a way to help people with serious illnesses feel better physically and emotionally, and it can start at any point in their illness. It works with other types of treatments that aim to cure the illness. By contrast, hospice care is a special kind of palliative care for those with less than six months to live, with a main focus on keeping them comfortable and emotionally-supported during that time.

Here are some important differences between these two kinds of care:

Palliative Care

  • Aims to reduce pain and suffering in people with serious illnesses.

    NHPCO Palliative Care or Hospice booklet

    Read more from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization

  • Can start at any stage of the illness, including at diagnosis, and can coexist with treatments, regardless of the person’s expected recovery.
  • Can take place in various locations, including hospitals, clinics, or even at home.
  • The intensity of medical treatment can vary widely, potentially including strong treatments.
  • Often covered by health insurance and integrated into regular medical care.

Hospice Care

  • Primarily for individuals with a short life expectancy, often six months or less and involves a team of experts.
  • Main goal is to provide maximum comfort rather than aiming for a cure.
  • Usually provided at the patient’s home, in a specialized hospice facility, or in a hospital.
  • Typically begins when it becomes clear that treatments are not effective, focusing on the patient’s comfort in their final days or months.
  • Emphasizes comfort and symptom management, often discontinuing aggressive treatments.
  • Often covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance for eligible patients.

Both palliative care and hospice care provide comfort and support for patients, one throughout cancer or other illness, and the other as one approaches the end of life. Have a conversation with your doctor to figure out the kind of care that’s right for you and your unique situation, so you can live your best life.

Don’t Wait! Bag It Bag and online resources are able to provide ways to empower patients and their families to ask for these services (palliative and hospice care) to improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Order a Bag and explore our Cancer Resource Center.


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