Who We Are
Cancer Assistance for Patients, Caregivers and Healthcare Providers
Cancer doesn’t come with a map, so we help create one with our take-everywhere binder designed to organize appointments and records. Need reliable cancer information, coping tips, support, questions to ask? It’s all in the bag. Don’t feel lost during or after treatment with Bag It as your guide.
We are proud to say that we are celebrating our 20th year in 2023. It will be a year of celebrating our volunteers, making major improvements to our bilingual Bag It Bag and securing additional funds to have an even bigger impact.
In November of 2000, Bag It founder Sherri Romanoski was diagnosed with breast cancer. A couple decades and tens of thousands of cancer patients later, Bag It Cancer is one of the country’s leading resources for cancer education and coping materials. Since Bag It’s creation in 2003, our reach has expanded beyond newly diagnosed patients. Today, we provide resources, tools, and services for patients at any stage of treatment, for caregivers, and for advocates.

Our Mission
To educate, support, and empower those impacted by cancer.
Our Vision
Bag It’s vision is to provide every cancer patient with the Bag It resource bag. Our materials are designed to conquer fear through information and to empower patients to be more involved in their care and become self-advocates.
Our Values
Bag It Cancer’s values are: Advocacy, Quality of Life, Education, Inclusion and Integrity. Download our Values document.
What We Do

The Bag It Bag
Each year we provide tens of thousands of cancer patients with the Bag It Bag. This one-of-a-kind resource includes select publications from the most respected organizations as well as the My Companion Guidebook, which gives patients a way to organize information. The Bag It Bag includes information for patients with any type of cancer—at any phase of the treatment process, caregivers, and cancer advocates.
The Bag It Resource Center
Our Bag It online Resource Center is designed to be a portal for anyone seeking information related to cancer. Our Bag It patients use our Resource Center as a first stop when searching for the most relevant and respected resources on a wide array of topics.

Bag It Education & Events
To fulfill our mission to educate patients, caregivers and healthcare providers, we offer events, podcasts, videos and articles. You can browse these and other links on our News & Views page. We also speak and exhibit at conferences & events where we can share more about Bag it and learn more about individual’s cancer journey and needs. Tune in at 11:30 MST for Wellness Wednesday, a Facebook Live Stream with Amy Cojanis sharing tips for healthy living.
Escape to THRIVE Leadership Conference
In 2011, Bag It introduced the Escape to THRIVE Leadership Conference. This unique, annual continuous education experience is designed specifically for those working as advocates for cancer patients and research.

Explore More About Bag It
On our Annual Reports page, you can browse current and past annual reports to read about our strategic plan, annual goals, financials and more.
Bag It Cancer answers the questions we are asked most. Explore our FAQs page.
If you would like to support Bag It–through a personal or corporate contribution, volunteering or a fundraise–please explore our Make a Donation page.
Whether it’s a podcast, blog, What’s New, video or other Bag It info , you can find the latest on our News page.
The Bag It Cancer Support Team includes our staff, board members and medical advisors—all dedicated to our mission and fulfilling.
Whether you are looking for a video about Bag It Cancer or ways to utilize our Bag It bag and the wealth of resources we provide, our Video page gives you complete access.
As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, we do our best to provide reliable, current resources as well as protect your privacy. On Our Policies page, you will find details about our approach and promise.
Whether you are a cancer patient, someone who is a caregiver or a healthcare provider, we want to hear your story about how Bag It helped. Read and watch our Testimonials.