Resources by Cancer Type

These organizations can help you to understand more about specific types of cancer such as diagnosis, staging, treatment options, clinical trials, managing side effects, living with cancer, and follow up care. Most offer connection and emotional support for people dealing with a specific type of cancer and their caregivers with helplines, support groups, peer mentors, one-on-one counseling, and online communities.  (Also see Supportive Care section of our website.)

Some of these websites have links to other cancer-specific organizations, sources of financial assistance, and help for practical needs facing people with certain cancer types.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network offers expert information presented in plain language with visuals, charts, and definitions to empower people with cancer and caregivers to talk with their clinicians about the best treatment options.

Brain Cancer

American Brain Tumor Association

Brain Tumor Network navigation services

End Brain Cancer

International Brain Tumor Alliance – worldwide network for brain tumour patient organisations and others involved in the field of neuro oncology

National Brain Tumor Society

Breast Cancer

American Breast Cancer Foundation

Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer

ABCD (After Breast Cancer Diagnosis)provides one-to-one emotional support services to anyone impacted by a breast cancer diagnosis

Breast 360Information about breast issues, written by breast surgeons

Breast Friends

Casting for Recoveryhealing outdoor retreats for women with breast cancer

Dandelion Toolkitexplains the stages of breast cancer through visual metaphors

Firefly Sisterhoodone-to-one social and emotional support for women impacted by a breast cancer diagnosis

For 3 Sistersfinancial support and resource case management services

For the Breast of Us breast cancer online community for women of color

Going Beyond The Pink

Here for the Girls provide social-emotional support for young women affected by breast cancer

Impact One Pink Breast Cancer Foundationships “Hope Boxes” with breast prosthesis, bras, wigs, post-surgical garments, and resources

Living Beyond Breast Cancer 

My Breast Cancer Coach

National Breast Cancer Foundation

Pink Fundnon-medical cost-of-living expenses in active treatment

Share Cancer Support

Story Half Told

Surviving Breast Cancer

Susan G. Komen

The IBC Network Foundationavenue to network proactive education to the general population and the medical community, funds research for IBC

The Missing Pink Breast Cancer Allianceconnects change agents to improve the lives of people of color with breast cancer

TIgerlily Foundation

TLC – Tender Loving Care: hair loss and mastectomy products (Service of American Cancer Society)

Unite for HER – integrative & supportive therapies for those with breast and ovarian cancers

Gastrointestinal Cancers – Liver, Pancreatic, Colorectal, Gastric/Stomach

American Liver Foundation

Blue Faery: The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association

Colon Club

Colon Cancer Coalition

Colon Cancer Foundation

Colontown – online community for colorectal cancer patients and care partners

Colontown University – colorectal cancer education for patients and caregivers, by patients and caregivers

Colorectal Cancer Alliance

Debbie’s Dream Foundation

Fight Colorectal Cancer

Gastric Cancer Foundation

GI Cancers AllianceStomach, Liver, Gallbladder, Colorectal Bile Duct, Pancreatic Cancers

Global Colon Cancer Associationadvocates for equitable access to quality colorectal cancer screenings, testing, treatments, and care

Global Liver Institute

Hope for Stomach Cancer

Lustgarten Foundation-pancreatic

My Colon Cancer Coach

National Pancreas Foundation

National Pancreatic Cancer Foundation

No Stomach for Cancer

Pancreatic Action Network


SOS Pancreatic Cancer Support for Survivorshiponline support for Patients, Survivors, Caregivers

Gynecologic Cancers – Cervical, Ovarian, Uterine/Endometrial, Vulvar, Vaginal

Cervivor cervical cancer

Foundation for Women’s Cancer cervical, ovarian, peritoneal, vaginal, vulvar, uterine/endometrial

National Cervical Cancer Coalition

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) Ovarian Cancer Resource Guide for Newly Diagnosed Women

Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance programs, virtual support groups, peer-matching

OVations for the Cure education programs, fund research

Sisters In Survivalprovide financial support for medications, diagnostic procedures, and certain life expenses to ovarian cancer patients

Teal It Up Ovarian Cancer Foundation

TLC – Tender Loving Care hair loss and mastectomy products (Service of American Cancer Society)

The Society of Gynecologic Oncologymember driven community of people working to cure gynecologic cancers

Share Cancer Support ovarian, uterine and breast cancer support

Steps Through Ovarian Cancer free professional counseling with education and other resources for any woman facing ovarian cancer, her family and active caregivers

Unite for HER – Integrative & supportive therapies for those with breast and ovarian cancers

Hereditary Cancer or Family Cancer Syndromes

AliveAndKickn – Lynch Syndrome

American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons hereditary colorectal cancer

Colorectal Cancer Alliance– family history

F.O.R.C.E. Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered hereditary breast and ovarian cancer

Hereditary Colon Cancer Takes Guts

Jacqueline Rush Lynch Syndrome Cancer Foundationproviding support, education and resources to Lynch Syndrome carriers and their families

Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS)

Lustgarten Foundation

Lynch Syndrome International Lynch Syndrome

My Faulty Geneinformation and assistance to underrepresented, uninsured, and underinsured individuals whose family medical history suggests genetic testing might be helpful in identifying an increased risk of disease due to a genetic mutation.

Prostate Cancer Foundation family cancer risk

Sharsheret – breast or ovarian cancer diagnosis or increased genetic risk in young Jewish women

Less Common Cancers

A Cure in Sight ocular melanoma

Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundationaccelerating the development of improved therapies and a cure for patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma

GIST Support International

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society: Myeloproliferative neoplasm

Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Network

Ocular Melanoma Foundation

The Carcinoid Cancer Foundation carcinoid neuroendocrine cancers

The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation bile duct cancer

Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Network

Rein in Sarcomas

Sarcomas and Bone Cancers Sarcoma Foundation of America

Sarcoma Alliance Bone Cancer

Sarcoma Alliance Soft Tissue Cancer

The Life Raft Group research, education and empowerment for quality of life

VHL Allianceresource for VHL patients to share experiences, learn from one another, support one another, and help the doctors understand and treat VHL

Lung Cancer

A Breath of Hope Lung Foundationsupport patients and families, fund critical lung cancer research and drive earlier detection

American Lung Association

GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer a program of CancerCare

Lung Cancer Alliance

Lung Cancer Research Foundation – free educational materials and resources


Metastatic Breast Cancer

After Breast Cancer Diagnosis – peer support – online community

Find Your mBC Voice

Living Beyond Breast Cancer – helpline, peer support, private Facebook groups

Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance

Male Breast Cancer Coalition – online support group and discussion community for male metastatic breast cancer

Metavivor – peer to peer support groups

Project Lifemembership based virtual wellness house for those living with Metastatic Breast Cancer and their loved ones

SHARE Cancer Support – metastatic breast cancer support groups, peer support, helpline, online community (English and Spanish)

Sharsheret – private Facebook group for metastatic breast cancer, one-on-one professional counseling

Susan G. Komen – Facebook private support group

Young Survival Coalition – Private Facebook group for young women with metastatic breast cancer, peer support

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation – support groups and online community for triple negative metastatic breast cancer

Thyroid Cancer

American Thyroid Association

Bite Me Cancer – thryoid cancer education & awareness, support for teens with any cancer

ThyCa:Thyroid Cancer


Be The Match Bone Marrow Transplant

Blood & Marrow Transplant Information Network

National Bone Marrow Transplant Linkinformation and support for those impacted by bone marrow/stem cell transplant

While Bag It took efforts to collect materials only from nationally recognized, research-based publications, Bag It has not independently researched, verified, or otherwise confirmed the accuracy of any of the information provided. The links listed are not intended to be an endorsement of any information or services and should not be construed as medical, legal, or financial advice.