FAQs–Bag It Cancer
How many people does Bag It help?
Since 2003, Bag It has helped 100,978 cancer patients.
How do I become a volunteer?
Learn more about getting involved with Bag It and complete a volunteer form on our Volunteer page. Thank you for your interest!
Is Bag It a nonprofit? How is it funded?
Yes, Bag It is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We are supported by medical providers, individual donations, foundation grants, corporations, and through our fundraising events in local communities. Our organization provides our varied services through a large number of volunteers, who enable us to extend the reach of Bag It far beyond our small staff.
How can I support Bag It?
There are many ways to support Bag It. You can:
- Be one of our many, amazing volunteers
- Make a one-time or recurring donation
- Provide in-kind services
- Host or participate in a fundraising event
- Spread the word about Bag It.
We have opportunities for individuals, families, companies, organizations, and foundations to help support Bag It’s mission and provide these tools to patients. See our How to Help page for options, or contact our Executive Director, Mindy Griffith: [email protected] or (520) 575-9602.
Does Bag It provide financial assistance?
While Bag It does not provide financial assistance, our resource page lists organizations that specialize in financial assistance for people affected by cancer. Explore our resource page.
Can Bag It refer me to a physician?
Bag It does not provide medical referrals. The information provided by Bag It is not intended to be construed as medical advice.
What kinds of fundraising events does Bag It do?
We do all kinds of fundraisers! Hikes, wine dinners, chili challenges, golf outings, and mah jongg tournaments are a few of the fundraising events hosted by and for Bag It. We have also been the fortunate beneficiary of many community events and campaigns held by businesses and affinity groups that want to support cancer patients in their local community. For more information, visit our How to Help page.
In which languages is the Bag It bag available?
The Bag It Bag My Companion Guidebook is available in both English and Spanish.
Does Bag It ship internationally?
At this time Bag is not able to ship internationally. You can find all the forms contained in our binder and the publications on our Bag It Bag page. You can print the forms (or just the ones you feel will be most useful for you) and download the publications that are in the bag.
How do I use the My Companion Guidebook?
Visit our Bag It bag page for more information on how to use the Guidebook and bag. You’ll find a helpful video tutorial that will walk you through all the resources, as well as additional tools you can print and incorporate in to your guidebook in order to customize it with the tools that will work best for you.
Does Bag It help caregivers and family members?
Absolutely! We include the publication Caring for the Caregiver, published by the National Cancer Institute, in the Bag It bag. This booklet covers a wide variety of topics outside the scope of how to care of a loved one with cancer. Check out our Caregivers & Advocates section for additional information and resources.
How do I get a Bag It bag for myself or someone else?
You can order the Bag It bag online for yourself, or as a gift for someone you know who is diagnosed with cancer. So many times, we know of someone facing this diagnosis, yet we aren’t quite sure how to help. Giving the gift of a Bag It bag can be a powerful way to reach out and support friends and family both near and far.
I’m a medical provider – how do I order Bag It bags for our patients?
To order or re-order Bag It Bags for your medical practice, visit our Order Page.
- If you are interested in incorporating Bag It programming in to your medical practice and would like to talk with our program coordinator for more information, including details on training and how to get started, please contact our Program Coordinator, Joyce Palasek, at [email protected].
How much does a Bag It bag cost?
The cost to you for a Bag It bag with the My Companion Guidebook and booklets is $25 (including media mail shipping). Patients who receive the Bag It bag through their medical provider receive it free of charge.
The cost to produce each Bag It bag is $50. We ask for individuals and medical providers to contribute half the cost, and we raise funds through various activities in order to cover the additional costs.
Part of our mission is to ensure every newly diagnosed cancer patient has access to Bag It and the wealth of resources. If your provider does not offer Bag It to patients and you cannot afford the $25 cost, please contact us at info@bagitcancer.org.
Where can I find cancer resources?
Bag It reviews and provides access to a comprehensive list of respected cancer resources. Our website offers links to a multitude of publications and organizations that provide information on a variety of topics, including links to the primary sources for the materials found in the My Companion Guidebook. Visit our Resources page for a comprehensive list.
Have a question not listed above? Email us and we will contact you with a reply: [email protected]
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