Make A Personal Donation

Bag It Cancer is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and we rely on grants, sponsorships and individual donations to fund our Bag It Bags and other services we offer. The cost of Bag it Bags is purposely kept low. The cost to produce each bag is $50 and we offer them at $25, which includes shipping so that every cancer patient who needs a bag receives one.
Your gift—in any amount—will have a meaningful impact on patients as well as their caregivers, medical providers and advocates. Thank you so much for donating to Bag It! And helping to guide people through their cancer.
Donate Now
Give by Check
Payroll Deduction
Employer Match
Donate Now
Donate By Check
Make your check payable to Bag It Cancer and mail it to:
Bag It Cancer
5049 E. Broadway Boulevard. Suite 155
Tucson, AZ 85711
Donate With Payroll Deduction
If you work for a company, organization or the local or federal government, check with your employer to see if you have the opportunity to participate in a workplace giving program. You may be able to make a recurring or one-time tax-deductible donation for Bag It through a payroll deduction.
If your company currently does not participate in a giving campaign, suggest one so that you and your colleagues may show your support for Bag It.
Employer Match
Does your employer offer matches for your charitable giving? As a registered 501(c)3, we qualify for corporate matching gifts. Please be sure to check with your Business or Human Resources department to see if this is an option for you. It’s an easy way to expand the reach of your gift!